周柏豪Mandy Lieu隔空開火

周柏豪同Mandy Lieu喺網上唇槍舌劍。
今日混血名模Mandy Lieu突然喺instagram上載一張索爆水着相兼留言:「You can't be me darling, so don't even bother... That's just pathetic. P.s: this body does not wear XXL... So start working on yourself before you try to pull others down!(親愛的,你不是我,所以不要再想太多,這是可悲的。註:這個身材穿不到加加大碼...所以在你努力打擊別人前,要先做好自己。)」
周焯華兒子周柏豪於晚上七時許「踩場」,在Mandy IG留言直問Mandy想暗示甚麼,接着再追問是誰穿加加大碼,要Mandy公開交待!
不到兩小時,Mandy亦留言回應,指加加大碼的意思,是為近日有人冒名以其名字在Facebook開專頁賣孕婦衫作澄清,更指周柏豪「You were so sensitive」(你好敏感),除指他應事前「做功課」外,更意有所指表示:「Bear in mind I'm not the one changing things in your life.(請記住,我不是那個改變你生活的人。)」之後,Mandy仲建議周柏豪同佢私聊,兼反問:「It's more civilized don't you think?(你唔覺得咁樣文明啲咩?)」
見Mandy發聲,周柏豪先客氣的為沒有「做功課」致歉,但仍不忘強調發聲目的只有一個,就是不想自己所愛的人受到傷害!同時亦要求Mandy給他有關冒名者的相片,以及Mandy聯絡方法:「I would love to speak to you in person.(我都想同你當面傾吓)」
周柏豪再留言勸喻Mandy要減低對其家庭的影響,尤其對他年幼的妹妹:「I hope you respect that, and that you will try to minimise your impact that you have, on my family, especially on my sister, as i believe this is not good for her upbringing and development to a teenager.」Mandy Lieu之後再回應周柏豪表示同意在社交平台宣揚愛及同情心,可惜Mandy覺得世界太多憎恨,但仍感謝周柏豪的好意,仲講咗句:「I wish you the same.」