剛榮升為人母嘅「警鐘胸」名模Jessica C.(JC)早前為安志杰誕下囡囡Tessa,唔經唔覺原來Tessa已經三個月大,作為媽咪嘅JC為自己嘅小公主紀錄下成長的每一個點滴,今日JC又更新Instagram上載B女嘅最新照片。
並留言:「Lil Miss Tessa is 3 months old today. She can now roll over from back to tummy, sleeps about 6 hours a night, smiles and laughs all the time, (especially when she sees Daddy) just started wearing 6 month old clothes and has been on an airplane 3 times without any trouble! So proud of our happy healthy baby! I love herrrr!(Tessa今日三個月大,佢依家識得翻身同爬行,每晚瞓六小時,經常會笑,尤其見到爸爸嘅時候。已經着六個月大嘅BB衫,仲好乖咁搭過三次飛機!為我哋健康嘅寶寶驕傲!我愛Tessa!)」